Drugs - Phencyclidine (PCP)
Phencyclidine (1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine or PCP), in its pure form is a white crystalline powder. However, PCP can easily be mixed with dyes and made available in tablets, capsules and powders of varying colours.
Medical purposes for PCP originally involved using it as an anesthetic agent, however, its side effects warranted disuse, as patients complained of hallucinations and often times became agitated. PCP is known as having neurotoxic effects and causing hallucinogenic behaviours. Its brand name, when medically legal, was Sernyl. Commonly, PCP causes disassociation, where the user feels that their mind and body are disconnected, as if they can see themselves, or their surroundings from a third person like view.
Generally PCP is smoked, snorted or ingested but is water soluble, and thus can be injected. For smoking, it is often applied to a leafy green, such as parsley, oregano or marijuana (referred to as super weed, super grass, killerweed or peaceweed). When PCP is dissolved as a liquid, it is often times sprayed onto leafy greens as well, rather than injected, but injection is not uncommon. Dipping cigarettes or joints in PCP is not uncommon.
It is not uncommon for PCP to be a tan to brown colour, or from a powder to gummy mass because of chemical reactants and contaminants used in the process of making PCP.
PCP is more commonly known as angel dust, but goes by many different, bizarre and somewhat unrelated street names as the effects of PCP from one person to another are so varying and erratic.
PCP is also known as any one of the following street names:
- Angel Dust
- Cadillac
- CJ
- animal tranquillizer
- crystal
- crystal joint
- cyclones
- rocket fuel
- embalming fluid
- hog
- KJ
- love boat
- mist
- peace pill
- synthetic marijuana
- super rods
- zombie
Click here for a list of all of our products pertaining to PCP.